Although our products have not undergone formal testing for sensitive skin, we have excluded any ingredients known to cause sensitivity, such as fragrances, essential oils, and denatured alcohol.

This is more of a personal concern. One ingredient can be mild for some people but an irritant for others. If you believe that you may have a sensitivity to a specific ingredient, we recommend that you do a patch test behind the ear, underside of your wrist, or inside your elbow. If irritation occurs, stop using the product.

We prefer our products to have 100% natural ingredients, but this won't be sustainable. Such products wouldn't last long and could lead to the growth of mould and all sorts of other nasty bacteria. Therefore, in some formulations, we use synthetic ingredients like preservatives and alternatives to animal products, such as allantoin.

None of our products are of animal origin nor tested on animals.

No animal products, including pork, are used in our products. We only use vegetable or synthetic-derived alternatives.

We would generally not recommend products containing:

  • Retinoids(Vitamin A family),
  • Glycolic acid (the safety of using this AHA during pregnancy has not yet been fully established), 
  • High-strength Salicylic acid, 
  • Liquorice root, 
  • or any products containing fragrances and essential oils.

Products containing vitamins C, E, Coenzyme Q10, hyaluronic acid, ceramides, peptides, mineral sunscreens, green tea extract, Azelaic acid, niacinamide, mandelic acid, and lactic are ok for use during pregnancy.

Our products are gentle enough for tweens and teens, making them suitable for people with mature skin looking for cleaner alternatives.




At the moment, we offer products with lower levels of vitamin C that provide antioxidants and improve uneven skin tone. However, we don't have any products containing a highly concentrated form of vitamin C.

We have some gluten-free products available. However, please note that products containing ingredients such as Oat Silk (less than 1% of the product composition) may still have some traces of gluten, even though it has been refined to remove most of it. While topical products with gluten typically do not cause allergic reactions for those sensitive to gluten, it is always best to consult your doctor if you have any concerns.

We carefully chose ingredients to ensure our products are gentle enough for tweens and teens. However, if you have a history of allergies or sensitivities, we suggest doing a patch test on the back of your ear, underside of your wrist, or inside your elbow before using our products. If any irritation occurs, please stop using the product.
Additionally, it is possible to experience skin purging when starting a new skincare routine. This process involves the body expelling toxins from clogged pores, which may lead to mild breakouts that typically last for a short time. For more information on skin purging, please refer to our blog.

At this time, we are unable to provide samples. However, we are actively working towards offering this in the future. Our ultimate goal is to enhance the lives of our tweens and teens, as they are the future.

Fragrances and essential oils can increase the sensitivity of the skin. Denatured alcohol(found mainly in toners) does remove excess oil. However, it increases oiliness as well, leading to more breakouts.
Our aim is to educate and help reduce skin issues later in life by using the correct products at an early age.

Yes, All glass and HDPE bottles can be recycled through the majority of recycling programs. Please consult with your city or municipal program before recycling an item.